Columbia Marking Tools is a specialty manufacturing company located in Chesterfield, MI USA. The best in traceabilty marking technology.
Marking Processes
Columbia Marking Tools manufactures a wide range of different marking tools that feature different marking processes.
This website features three processes of the I-Mark and CMT Eclipse product lines. These programmable systems use the latest technology and offer the most flexible solutions.
Dot-Peen Scribe Laser
Handy Andy
Economical Dot-Peen

I-Mark I Series Dot-Peen
Industrial production

I-Mark I Series Scribe
Industrial production

I-Mark C Series
Custom dot-peen or scribe

LE16 Compact
Compact Laser Marking

LE24 Versatile
Flexible Laser Marking

LE48 Large bed
Large Part Laser Marking

LER Rotary
Turn-Table Laser Marking

LET Tag Automated
Automated Tag Laser Marking
Our Products
The I-Mark and CMT Eclipse product lines have a wide range of models to meet the requirements of any part traceability application.